About CMHW
Our overarching aim is to undertake research which informs policy and practice so that the adverse impacts of musculoskeletal conditions on work are minimised for the benefit of workers, patients, employers and society at large.
The Centre is funded by Versus Arthritis and the Medical Research Council, and is a multidisciplinary research collaboration. Our work is organised into three main programmes, which focus on where health interventions might be implemented:
Looking through the lens of employers, trades unions and workers. This programme is led by Professor Karen Walker-Bone (Monash University)
From the perspective of health care providers, health commissioners, and patients). This programme is led by Professor Gwen Wynne-Jones (Keele University)
Taking the vantage point of the whole population. This programme is led by Dr Rosemary J Hollick (University of Aberdeen)
Across all of these programmes we have three key cross-cutting themes:
Work outcome measures
Considering what the core outcome measures in work and health should be, and developing an international consensus on how to measure these. This work is coordinated by Professor Ira Madan (King’s College London / Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust) and Dr Suzanne Verstappen (University of Manchester)
Building the business case
Generating evidence about the value of workplace interventions to employers, and better understanding what economic information employers want. This theme is led by Professor Katherine Payne and Dr. Suzanne Verstappen (both University of Manchester)
Translating research into policy
Being rapidly responsive to the needs of policy makers to help turn research findings into actionable policy. This work is currently being coordinated by Dr Elaine Wainwright (University of Aberdeen)
The CMHW was originally funded from 2014-2019, and has now been awarded funding to continue our work programme until 2026.
If you have any queries about our work, you can contact us via our Centre Manager at cmhw@abdn.ac.uk