Cross-cutting themes
We have built key threads across our research to approach several key themes which bear importance to a number of CMHW studies
Across all of our research programmes we investigate the following cross-cutting themes, which benefit from our multidisciplinary and cross-institutional collaborative approach
Work outcome measures
This theme is concerned with establishing an international consensus in what the core outcome measures in work and health should be, and developing agreement on how best to measure these to ensure that research is robust and repeatable, and findings are easier to compare with other studies. This work is coordinated by Professor Ira Madan (King’s College London) and Dr Suzanne Verstappen (University of Manchester)
Building the business case
Most interventions to help those with musculoskeletal conditions in work will need the support of employers and industry in order to be effective. The Centre’s work includes a key focus on generating evidence about the economic value of workplace interventions to employers, as well as gaining a better understanding of the economic information employers require to make decisions over whether to implement an intervention. This theme is led by Professor Katherine Payne and Dr. Suzanne Verstappen (both University of Manchester)
Translating research into policy
In order for our research to be effective, it needs to be able to be responsive to the needs of policy makers to help turn research findings into actionable policy. We work hard across our studies to strategise proactively in order to turn academic research into real-world positive changes in the workplace for those with musculoskeletal conditions. This work is currently being coordinated by Dr Elaine Wainwright (University of Aberdeen)