Programme 2: Healthcare
Exploring how healthcare settings and services can support people in work.
As part of our work we are interested in how people access healthcare services and health and work advice, and how this relates to work outcomes such as work absence.
Healthcare-seeking and work in adults with common, non-inflammatory MSK conditions
This research aims to characterise adults with MSK disorders who are at greater risk of work absence and reduced healthy working life expectancy, based on their previous patterns of seeking care.
PATients’ views of Health and WORK advice (PATcHWORK)
Through a series of interviews, this study will seek patients’ views of how, when and by whom health and work advice and care should be offered in the UK.
Predicting work absence using secondary analysis of data
This research aims to assess whether a prognostic model developed from secondary analysis of previous studies and clinical trials can accurately predict lengthy work absences in people with musculoskeletal conditions.
Prognostic factors and models for predicting work absence in adults with MSK conditions
This systematic review looks at the research literature into prognostic factors and models which can help to predict work absence in people with musculoskeletal conditions.
What helps people with MSK pain stay in work if they are in ‘flexible’ employment? (FocalPoint study)
From the perspective of First Contact Practitioner (FCP) consultations, this study aims to find out both the views of patients and FCPs as to whether work considerations are a suitable goal in these sessions, particularly for those in more ‘flexible’ employment such as self-employed, freelance workers, or those on zero-hours contracts.